Maybe becoming a better person is a goal on your to-do list. As soon as you think you have everything all figured out, life throws you a tough one that challenges you as a person. These could possibly lead you into confusion, questioning yourself and activities you believed. Personal evolution should never stop, life is full of lessons. Take notice and become a better person everyday as you grow.
Being a better person means doing whats best for you. Always do what makes you happy, don't change because someone else told you to. Have confidence and believe in yourself. Becoming a better person could mean changing bad habits, taking risk and thinking differently.
1. Become more observant.
Take notice of your surroundings. There is a world full of ideas, wisdom, lessons, mistakes and experiences you do not want to miss out on. It'll be worth it in the ending.
2. Read a lot.
Best thing you can invest your time in is a book. Whether its 30 minutes to a hour, always have a book with you.
3. Write.
The best thing I did was creating this blog. I can sit up for hours and go on and on about different topics. It calms me and. this is a way II can get emotions out. Your thoughts become systematic and structured.
4. Drink Lemon Water.
Water is vital for our brains and nervous system functions. It has its benefits and keeps you hydrated/healthy.
5. Forgive.
On my end forgiving and forgetting is important to me personally. Sometimes our ego gets the best of us and we forget to drop that extra weight off of our shoulder. At the end of the day, ask yourself...Is this really worth it? Why am I wasting my time stressing myself out about something so irrelevant? Is this benefitting me? There's a self-blockage that stops us from letting go and moving on. Not forgiving blocks a lot of blessings.
6. Let it Go.
Whatever your holding onto let it go. Holding onto something that is irrelevant could impact you and your health negatively. Avoid negative people, thoughts and feelings.
7. Know when to speak your mind and keep quiet.
If your gut is telling you something, believe it but ask yourself is it worth it and positive before doing so. Sometimes keeping quiet in situations is the best way to go about it.
8. Compliment yourself.
This is all a part of self-love/care. Start your day with an optimistic note. It can be a simple compliment, whether you did good on a task or whether you think you look good today. Give yourself an emotional boost of self-love to make yourself happy.
9. Be respectful.
Don't be judgmental, be respectful of someone else lifestyle, thoughts and feelings whether you agree with something or not. Everyone is obligated to have their own opinion therefore, respect and don't judge.
10. Keep your promises.
Be sure to follow through if you make a promise. #1 Thing people hate is when someone promise something and doesn't stick to their word. Be dependable, don't let people down and build trust with those you surround yourself with. If you feel as though you can't keep a promise, don't make it to make the other person feel good. Be honest.
11. Challenge yourself.
Push yourself if you get tired. Give yourself a few minutes before you think about giving up. Do more than what someone ask you. One thing I learned if that you will never grow or develop abilities if you don't push yourself further than what you have to do.
12. Don't talk about others behind their back.
Gossiping about people when they aren't around, especially telling someone personal and negative information is the biggest negative thing you can do. Regardless, it all get backs to that person which will lead to drama. Talking about someone won't boost your ego or make you shine, Don't be petty. Would you like someone talking about you to someone else? Exactly.
13. Practice Gratitude.
Be thankful for things you have. Practicing gratitude is a way of focusing on the good. This is something that will make you happy, and more compassionate. Don't take anything for granted and don't underestimate the value of our connections. If it helps, keeps a gratitude journal so you can look back on everything in your life that is beautiful.
14. Show Responsibility (Personal).
Asking for a hand is never a problem but learn to manage your own problems without relying on someone else. You shouldn't expect other people to solve your problems for you. Dealing with your own responsibilities empowers you to become a stronger and confident individual.
15. Loyalty.
Embrace Loyalty. Loyalty is something I value a lot. Be loyal to your family, friends, etc. Being loyal allows you to build trusting and deeper relationships with other people whether its a significant other or family member.
16. Practice Mindfulness.
Try not to focus on the past. Lean more towards the future. Mindfulness allows you to be more engaged.
I hope these strategies help you into becoming a better person. Your not the only one out there. Sharing this post will possibly help those around you that needs or is looking for guidance.