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Know Your Worth: Let Go of the Toxic - With a friend, co-worker or a lover.

Writer's picture: Briana BriggsBriana Briggs

Sometimes, you have to name your price and know your value since some people don't. In good relationships, you'll find yourself being loved, having trust for each other, having openness and accepting your SOS. It's vice versa with them as well. In an unhealthy relationship, you'll find yourself questioning everything such as if you're worth it, if the relationship is worth it or why and how did you get there. Apparently, it is unhealthy and that's signs you don't know your worth in relationships. Once you figure that out, you also need to figure out on how to change things.


It's possible to be in a relationship that damages your self-worth over time. This could lead to you leaving the relationship and starting to find yourself again. Once you're able to "breathe" you're able to remember who you are. Don't settle for less and accept just any and everything.


As far as friends, in my life I realized trusting friends are important to have, some can be friends you grew up with that are next to family, some are social friends, some are acquaintances. You have to learn to appreciate the different types and forms of value each friend brings around. You also have to think about keeping your circle tight.


However, In relationships, we all tolerated men or boys who don't appreciate us, who don't value you and what you bring around or do for them, and those who disrespect you or just wants one thing, gets it and don't call back after that. I've been through most of it so far in my life, that is why my blog is called "From Experience" because everything is based off of what I experienced, been through or what others been through or struggled with. We've allowed people to treat "us" wrong and not what "we're" worth but quickly noticed it. Some females may make excuses which aren't healthy decisions because in the ending it all comes down to low self-esteem in some ways that got you there in the first place.

Learn to embrace self-love. Don't apologize for who you are.

Part of the beauty is the imperfections and flaws you have - the growing, evolving and working on bad habits.

If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. - Marilyn Monroe

Be selective

Your body is a temple

Your heart is a gift

Respect it

Be respected

Love yourself first

Be loved

Know you value and don't accept being treated in a way less than you deserve. You, as a person deserves to be treated the way you treat others.

But seriously, what exactly is knowing your worth? Is it having low or positive self-esteem? Is it healthy? healthy? How is it unhealthy? I'm not sure. Self-worth "[self-wurth] noun" is defined as "the sense of one's own value or worth as a person; self-esteem; self-respect." That may be one part of it but its best to be able to understand the differences in given situations.


Lets outline things that determines you know your value:

1. You love yourself first before anything or anyone completely.

If you want to be treated with respect and love, treat yourself with respect and love as well. Respect comes from respect and Love brings about love. Treat others the way you treat yourself since we teach others how to treat us by the way we treat ourselves.

2. You will let go of things and people who are a waste of time.

This is something you won't feel bad about. It is hard letting go of things and people who no longer serves you, but doing so damages you and you'll end up in terrible relationships. Once you realize your self-worth you walk away from people and situations without looking back. If you know your value/worth, you're able to let go of the things that aren't helping you grow as a person. When you hold onto things that are toxic, you're not leaving room for the important people or things.

3. You will learn to put yourself FIRST.

Knowing your worth is saying "NO" sometimes and put yourself first. You tend to do things such as favors for others and forget to take care of yourself FIRST. You're afraid of the outcome, so you give excuses instead of simply just saying "NO." When you learn the differences and importance of self-love, self-care, self-worth/value and put yourself first is when you know your value.

4. You will stop apologizing for BEING YOU.

Saying sorry all the time isn't necessary especially when it isn't your fault. You have to be able to gain more confidence in yourself and realize your worth. Realize everything isn't your fault and you don't need to apologize for being who you are.

If they can't accept that then they GOTTA GO!!!!

5. More Blessings Please.

Knowing your worth will motivate you and inspire you to go after your goals. Understanding your value comes with confidence and having confidence gives you the courage to take risks, make money moves, and live your best life while getting your mind right!

6. You will love yourself.

Realizing how beautiful of a person you are will teach you how to love your flaws and all. It will teach you to embrace who you are without other opinions and be confident and own it. Once you learn to love yourself you won't accept people who treat you wrong.

7. You will stop playing/being a victim.

Sometimes people can't see their own fault in situations, so they tend to play victim which leaves you stuck. You have to take responsibility for your part in relationships instead of feeling sorry for yourself. Note your mistakes and learn from them instead of DWELLING. Make better decisions.

I'm sure there has been a time in your life where you didn't know your worth, but you prayed on the situations that happened and thankfully GOD stepped in and took over.

8. You will use time wisely

Once you realize you are good enough, deserve to be happy and loved, you waste less time on temporary people that aren't on YOUR LEVEL or things that aren't helping you grow.

Be able to spot the red flags in areas of your life quickly and exit them quicker.


Ways to improve your self-worth:

1. Understand what self-worth and self-love is

Self-worth is defined as a feeling that you are a good person who deserves to be treated with respect, love, and kindness. To improve your self-worth, it is best to understand what it is and what needs to be done. Ask yourself: "What opinion do I have about myself and How can I change that?", "Am I a good person who deserves good things or my belief is that I am a bad person who deserves limited things?".

2. Embrace your mistakes and learn from them.

We can't change the past, but we can control how we handle mistakes. Ask yourself: "What is the real problem?", "Why do I react this way?", "Is this benefitting me?", "Where did that even come from?"

3. Build your self-confidence

Building your self-confidence is a great way to work on a positive self-image. Learn to block out negative thoughts such as going on a cleanse. Take 24 hours to go without complaining. Every time you have negative thoughts, think positive. Surround yourself around people who are uplifting and supportive. Set goals, accomplish them and reward yourself.

4. Learn to forgive yourself and others.

If it's your fault and you KNOW it is, admit it. Apologize! Forgive yourself. If it's someone else fault, don't blame yourself, if they can't admit to their wrongs, it's okay! They'll learn one day. It takes time but forgive others when you feel as though you should.

  • Don't ever apologize for being yourself as stated above.

  • Do learn to take responsibility

  • Do admit your wrongs

5. Stop trying to please others

Work on YOUR happiness instead of trying to please others or worrying about what they think. In life, you will get NOWHERE with that mindset.

6. Balance your time and the time you give others

Are you spending more time with your friends and family? If so, learn to reduce the amount of time you give to others. It doesn't necessarily mean give up and push people away. Just give yourself time to yourself than you give to others. At the end of the day, you matter the most.

7. Forget the past, Live in the present

The past is always a lesson but what really matters is the present and future.

Keep track of everything, take note of your accomplishments and goals that way over time you aren't feeling yourself or need guidance you sit down, relax and look back at your book to read through it. Feel free to update your achievements and goals while you’re at it.

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