You cannot make a person act right, you can only make that person wish they did. You cannot keep someone who does not want to be kept. If you are hurting or need to get over someone, here are 20 tips on how to do so.
1. Delete everything: The pictures you and him/her have together, messages, their number, EVERYTHING. Do not look back at those photos. Unfollow them on all socials. BLOCK THEM IF YOU NEED TO.
2. Throw away any thing that was given to you from that person such as clothing, jewlery, anything that actually meant something to you.
3. Cry, let it all out!!!!! It is okay to cry. It may take a few days, weeks, months. Let it out.
4. Do not listen to sad slow love songs until you are fully over that person because it will not help!!!
5. Honestly, everyone deserves to be happy. Eventually you will have to stop balling your eyes out over someone who definitely does not/did not deserve you.
6. Work on yourself. Think about what you want for yourself. Have fun. If you're a female, go out, go shop, get your nails done, have a girls night out. Your friends should definitely be there for you in times like this and take you out to show you a good time. If you are a guy, spend time with your friends. Go to the mall, ball out or go play 2K. THE USUAL!
7. Read a book, or take a bath. Give yourself "me" time. Take a walk.
Book suggestions:
"Milk and Honey" by Rupi Kaur
"The sun and her flowers" by Rupi Kaur
"Girl Code" by Cara Alwill Leyba Eldridge
"Whiskey, Words & a Shovel Part I, II, and III" by Andrew McMeel
"salt." by Nayyirah Waheed
"The Girl on the train" by Paula Hawkins
"The princess saves herself in this one" by Amanda Lovelace
"Note to self" by Connor Franta
"WHAT SHE FEELS" by Chidozie Osuwa
"2Fish" by Jhene Aiko
"The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks
"Safe Haven" by Nicholas Sparks
"Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks
"The subtle art of not giving a f*ck" by Mark Manson
"He's Lying Sis" by Stephan Labossiere
8. Do something you never did before. You are single, you can do whatever you want. Live your life a little.
9. When you feel as though you are ready, flirt with someone but take things slow. If you are feeling that person, do not rush things or get attached fast. Actually get to know that person to see what their about. ALWAYS BE CAREFUL.
10. Go get your hair cut or a new hair color.
11. Go out, take a few pictures of you looking like a baddie and post them. Show him/her what they have been missing
12. Take a trip somewhere
13. Do not go calling them if you feel as though you are missing that person
14. Just focus on yourself! You need time to yourself. If you're in school, focus on that. If your working, make that money and remember you do not need anyone right now
15. Go workout, work on that body/shape you want!
16. If that person text/calls you, and try and come back in your life just sit there and think about if they deserve you or not. Why did they wait to text/call you? Were they treating you like shit? If he/she wanted to be with you they would stay without lies, complications and excuses.
17. Just remember: They may have made you cry. They may have hurt you. They may not show that they care. They may have not appreciated you the way you wanted them to or they way you deserve to be appreciated. They may have gave up. They may have stopped trying when you kept trying. They may left you and did not come back. They may have played games that you did not have time for. They may have wanted one thing. You wanted something they didn't. All they did was TALK but did not show you any actions to prove theirselves. They showed you they weren't worth it. Never ignore the signs.
18. Pray * Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken -Ecclesiastes 4:12* Let all that you do be done with love - 1 Corinthians 16:14 19. Just try and get over that person, do not stress yourself out!
20. Please do not ever convince yourself your okay because 9/10 your not. Don’t sit there and put a smile on your face when you know your real life hurting!!!!
You tried they didn't now forget about it. That person who wants to be kept will come along soon, be patient.